Quick Gate way Nepal

Quick Gate way Nepal
About the product
Program details
Day 1 Arrival at Kathmandu
Overnight at Hotel.
Day 2 Full day Sight-Seeing of Kathmandu Valley
Soon after take Breakfast,
Full day sight-seeing including i) Bhaktaempur Durbar Square ii) Baudhanath ii) Swayambhunath
Overnight at Hotel.
Day 3 Kathmandu to Chitwan
Early in the morning drive to Chitwan by Private Vehicle
In the mid Afternoon, Arrival at Chitwan
Transfer to Hotel.
Welcome Drinks, and Take Lunch
Tharu Village visit
Tharu Stick Dance
Overnight at Hotel.
Day 4Chitwan to Lumbini
Wake up call
Jungle safari
Elephant breeding Centre, Elephant bathing Centre
Depart to Lumbini
In the Evening arrival at Lumbini
Transfer to Hotel.
Overnight at Hotel.
visit to Lumbini
Wake up call
Full day sightseeing to Lumbini Garden including
Back to hotel
Overnight at Hotel
Day 6Lumbini to Pokhara
Wake up call
Half day sightseeing to Tilaurakot village.
Depart to Pokhara, on the way (at Palpa, Resort) take lunch.
In the Late evening arrival at Pokhara.
Transfer to Hotel.
Overnight Hotel.
Day 7Pokhara, Full day sightseeing
Wake up call
Visit to Tal Barahi Temple (Phewa Lake) for worship
Back to Hotel, Breakfast
Back to Hotel.
Day 8Pokhara to Kathmandu
Early in the morning drive to Sarankot for Sunrise view including spectacular Annapurna range view, Pokhara valley.
Drive back to Hotel. (Optional activities: Short hike to World Peace Stupa)
Depart to Kathmandu.
In Late evening arrival at Kathmandu.
Day 9 Final departure.
Final departure to Airport.
Cost per person: USD 450.00 (Up to 12 Pax )
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