About the product
The literal function of training is to produce change. It is the upgrading of an individual’s skill or the addition of a new skill, which in turn can bring about the desired change an organization is seeking. It is important to understand that training in and of itself cannot motivate a work force. However, it is an essential part of what is needed to accomplish the long-term goals of the agency. In addition to the trainings, it is important to identify the appropriate medium of motivation to appraise the performance. Kantipur Management provides wide range of trainings focused on corporate world and individual attributes and identify motivation plans as per the job profile.
Trainings provided by Kantipur Management:

Effective corporate communication and personality development
Office management and secretarial training
Customer care etiquettes- telephony and face to face
Leadership- managerial skills and situational leadership
Conflict and stress management
Effective performance management
Sales and marketing skills
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