Video Surveillance Expertise

About the product
Bluefin Technologies is specially focused for designing and
installation of Video Surveillance System for various security sensitive areas such as Airport, Embassies,
Hospitals, Hotels and government sectors. Special types of CCTV system are designed for such types of areas to
get best output in effective way. The technical lead of Bluefin Technologies has very good experience over large
scale integration between video management software (VMS) and access control system too. We are also focused
for many smart and intelligent video surveillance features such as lost object detection, virtual line fencing,
intrusion detection which sends alarm if some such type of event is occurred. We can also enable the most
advanced features of PTZ Camera - auto tracking, those are very much effective in public areas where tracking of
object is required. Our designed solution takes care of multi camera associated tracking.
In order to have proper monitoring of retail outlet like store , warehouse we provide a loss prevention DVR system
to effectively reduce loss through better detection of theft, fraud and errors in transactions. It superimposes Point
Of Sale transaction data or any other text sources onto surveillance video for simultaneous searching, viewing,
analysis, and export of evidential video.
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