18 Days Upper Mustang Trekking

18 Days Upper Mustang Trekking
About the product
Upper Mustang is far Nepal’s most restricted area in Annapurna Region at the average altitude of 4000m is geographicaly and culturally part of Tibetan plateau. It was opened to foreigners in 1992 and is located at the Northwestern area of Nepal and the part of Tibetan Plateau. Trekking into Upper Mustang is a rare and privilege opportunity where you can experience the true life of the real mountain people in Nepal. In many ways, trekking into the Upper Mustang Area is similar to trekking in to Tibet, which geographically it is a part of Mustang a land where the soul of man still considered to be as real as feet he walks. The land itself is almost treeless, barren landscape with a countryside similar to Tibetan plateau, but where beauty and happiness flourishes, in spite of hardship. This was part of the Tibetan Kingdom of Gungthang until 1830's.


Day 01: Arrival in Kathmandu [1300 m ].

Day 02: Kathmandu: Sightseeing and Trek Preparation,

Day 03: Kathmandu to Pokhara [823m], 6 hrs drive,

Day 04: Fly to Jomsom & trek to Kagbeni [2,858m], 3-4 hrs walking,

Day 05: Kagbeni to chele [3050m]: 5-6 hrs,

Day 06: Chele to Syanbochen [3475 m]: 6-7 hrs,

Day 07: Syanbochen to Ghaymi [3520m], 5-6 hrs,

Day 08: Ghaymi to Charang [3500m], 4-5 hrs,

Day 09: Charang to Lo-Mangthang (3700m), 5-6 hrs,

Day 10: Explore Lo-Mangthang,

Day 11: Lo-Mangthang to Drakmar [3810 m], 6-7 hrs,

Day 12: Dhakmar to Ghiling [3806 m], 5-6 hrs,

Day 13: Ghiling to Chhuksang [3050 m], 5-6 hrs,

Day 14: Chhuksang to Muktinath [3800m], 6-7 hrs,

Day 15: Muktinath to Jomsom (2,713 m), 4/5 hrs,

Day 16: Fly back to Pokhara.

Day 17: Drive from Pokhara to Kathmandu,.

Day 18: Fly Home, Farewell Friend.
$ 1900
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