Rolling amcat

About the product
n this dynamic era of ever so growing competition, finding a job that fits one the best is a challenging task to accomplish. To overcome this problem and to minimize the burden for finding your fit, we present you Rolling AMCAT for the first time ever in Nepal.

Aspiring Minds Computer Adaptive Test (AMCAT) is a computer adaptive test that measures job applicants on the basis of their communication skills, logical reasoning, quantitative skills and job specific domain skills. AMCAT test is taken to evaluate the reasoning skills, technical skills and aptitude skills of a candidate or the job seeker in large multi-national companies. It is an assessment platform to provide scores based on their skills and potentials. The sole objective of AMCAT is to grade the performance of the people who take up this test.

AMCAT is one of the emerging tools in the world of employment today. It has been emerging as a bridge between the job seekers and recruiters and has saved plenty of time spent on face to face assessment for both the job seekers and job providers. Over 2 million students all over the world have already taken this test and have found a suitable job according to the suitability of their skills as per the requirement of job. There are underlying benefits of AMCAT in this era which is the reason why rolling AMCAT has brought this opportunity in Nepal to specifically target the growing competition among the youth population.
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